So 2020? – or something for the future?
Remote learning has been a necessity for schools, colleges and universities over the last year. And parents probably never want to hear those two words uttered again. However, there are arguments that education providers should be continuing to invest in remote learning facilities online and on their website.
Let’s take a look at the details, and if you already know you want a website that supports remote learning, speak with our friendly team today!
Potential remote learning website features
Supporting remote learning through your website can come in different shapes and sizes. Our WEBPRO Education team can assist in three main ways, namely:
- Create additional features within a website which can be accessed by students, teachers and parents via a login
- Build a standalone learning portal which exists external to a website but can be accessed via a link added to the website (as well as emails, etc.)
- For those who are already up and running with an external learning portal, we can link to it from a website, allowing easy access for anyone that needs it
An education provider could create an online portal where teachers can upload information, reading materials and tasks for students to pick up from home. This is most commonly seen in universities on software known as blackboard.
But there is no reason why it couldn’t be adapted and utilised by all stages of education.
Most of the time, this is done through slideshows and word documents, but there are no reasons not to make the experience more interactive and upload lesson videos.
There are even opportunities for developers to create websites with built-in functions to support live virtual classes, just like video conferencing technologies support.
The barriers preventing remote working supported websites are being taken down. If you want to discuss your vision, don’t hesitate to call the WEBPRO Education team.
Do we still need websites supporting remote learning?
There may be groans at the thought of continuing remote learning. But remote learning of the future doesn’t need to resemble what has happened during the pandemic and it could be used for different needs, adding to the learning experience rather than replacing it.
Here are three reasons to consider a remote learning option for the future as an education provider:
#1: Homework as remote learning
“The dog ate my homework, sir.”
Excuses like these could become a thing of the past by incorporating remote education into home study. Using online tools where students could access their homework and upload it directly the night before would make the whole process of assigning, collecting and discussing homework easier.
It could even speed up the process and help teachers make more of their time inside and outside of the classroom. Here at WEBPRO Education, we are all about streamlining processes and reducing the need for paperwork and printing, saving you money and helping the environment to boot!
#2: Preparing for further education
When children and teenagers are encouraged to use remote learning options, just as illustrated above, it creates more independent study and increases their accountability.
This could help to build an array of skills and character traits like maturity, but it also assists in preparing teenagers for potential future education. Pupils who already have independent study experiences may ease into university courses more easily and perform better in their first year.
#3: Overcoming future issues
Nobody wants another pandemic or children to miss out on more contact education, but there may be a time when a school or college is required to close.
For example, in the event of building maintenance, a snow day or something like a burst pipe, the establishment could fall back on their remote learning facilities.
Or there may be a situation where an individual is forced to miss contact lessons, such as an illness or injury. With a remote learning website, children could stay home for the required time and not miss out by opting in to virtual lessons with their teacher and the rest of their class.
Recap: You might have been hoping to see the back of remote learning, but schools and colleges have reason to further invest in remote learning features for their website. Remote learning doesn’t have to replace contact learning experiences, but it can enhance them by supporting homework tasks, preparing teenagers for university education and independent learning – or even as a safety net on snow days. Wave goodbye to the pandemic, but don’t wave goodbye to valuable remote learning features for your website!
P.S. If you wish to chat about how we can add remote learning functionality to your website, don’t hesitate to call our team!